DEI於2009年起正式成為SNG的分支機構, 詳情請見此處的公告. DEI與SNG各自的典藏則不合併, 保存在雙方各自的標本館中. DEI典藏中與台灣關係最深的莫過於梭德氏(Hans Sauter)的標本典藏, 而SNG中則藏有Georg Semper所著Die schmetterlinge der Philippinischen inseln. Beitrag zur indo-malayischen lepidopteren-fauna中所有的引證與模式標本. 對於恆春半島與蘭嶼綠島鱗翅目昆蟲研究具有重大的價值. 此外Wolfgang A. Nässig與其同僚所發表的所有蠶蛾總科昆蟲模式標本亦藏於SNG, 而移居德國多年的英籍著名菲律賓蝶類研究者Colin G. Tredaway之收藏亦將於未來由Limbach-Wagenschwend移往SNG典藏.
2009年6月28日 星期日
2009年6月17日 星期三
文獻來源: Nässig WA, Oberprieler RG. 2007. The nomenclature of the family-group names of Eupterotidae (Bombycoidea). Nota lepidopterologica 30(2): 315—327. [全文下載]
The origin and historical use of all family-group names pertaining to the bombycoid family Eupterotidae are determined. The family-group name Eupterotidae takes Swinhoe, 1892 as authorship, although the name was evidently originally coined by Hampson, 1893. However, three older family-group names are available for the taxon: Striphnopterygidae Wallengren, 1858, Phialidae Wallengren, 1865 and Janidae Aurivillius, 1892. Striphnopterygidae has been used as the valid name for the family by at least ten authors until at least 1965 and again in 2006, and as a valid subfamily name throughout, but the younger Eupterotidae gained almost universal acceptance as the name of the family in the literature since about 1928. Application of Article 35.5, introduced in the current, 4th edition of the Code (ICZN 1999), allows the retention of the younger name Eupterotidae as the valid name of the family. The authorship of another bombycoid family name, Lemoniidae, is corrected from Hampson, 1918 to Neumoegen & Dyar, 1894.
圖片連結: Bettaman之flickr相簿
The origin and historical use of all family-group names pertaining to the bombycoid family Eupterotidae are determined. The family-group name Eupterotidae takes Swinhoe, 1892 as authorship, although the name was evidently originally coined by Hampson, 1893. However, three older family-group names are available for the taxon: Striphnopterygidae Wallengren, 1858, Phialidae Wallengren, 1865 and Janidae Aurivillius, 1892. Striphnopterygidae has been used as the valid name for the family by at least ten authors until at least 1965 and again in 2006, and as a valid subfamily name throughout, but the younger Eupterotidae gained almost universal acceptance as the name of the family in the literature since about 1928. Application of Article 35.5, introduced in the current, 4th edition of the Code (ICZN 1999), allows the retention of the younger name Eupterotidae as the valid name of the family. The authorship of another bombycoid family name, Lemoniidae, is corrected from Hampson, 1918 to Neumoegen & Dyar, 1894.
圖片連結: Bettaman之flickr相簿
2009年6月16日 星期二
Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde (The Macrolepidoptera of the World)數位化電子版免費下載
Adalbert Seitz所編輯的世界鱗翅目為1930年代之前已知中大型鱗翅目的唯一完整圖冊. 這套書的編輯歷經大戰的艱苦歷經近30年後以16巨冊與4冊補述呈現在世人面前. 由於整個系列的手繪圖十分精美(原始圖版被收藏於法蘭克福自然史博物館昆蟲學第二典藏庫), 因此在國際書市上是非常昂貴的古書, 整套的價值約在台幣60萬元左右. 而許多完整的書也經常被一些手繪圖版收藏者破壞高價出售. 在台灣的任何圖書館中都沒有這套書. 農試所圖書館在過去很可能有一套完整的Seitz但是可能經過一段時間的關係, 目前僅剩下兩冊非常不完整的部份. 目前在台灣僅有我們研究室有一套完整的Seitz, 而台師大生科系徐堉峰老師則有蝴蝶部份的卷冊. Smithsonian Institute最近完成了多數卷冊的數位化, 並可由Biodiversity Heritage Library上下載. 此外這套書的編纂歷史可參考荷蘭古書商Dieter Schierenberg為其設立的專屬網站.
2009年6月5日 星期五
TaiBNET鱗翅目燈蛾科名錄應進行以下的修訂: 資料庫上的拼法Argyractia乃根據Lepidoptera of Taiwan而來, 但此拼法事實上是錯誤的, 應根據江田信豐(KODA Nobutoyo)的原始發表訂正為Argyarctia.
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