2008年12月17日 星期三


在國際動物命名規約中, 圓括號與方括號代表的意義是不同的. 圓括號有兩個意涵, 若出現在屬名之後, 如A-us (B-us), 那麼B-us代表的亞屬名. 那麼圓括號所代表的是亞屬名. 若圓括號出現的位置在於作者與年代處, 那就表示該種曾經在屬級歸屬方面被轉移過. 方括號的使用場合乃是對跨年份或是發表年代不確定的情況進行標記. 以A-us b-us Who, 1999 [2000]來說, 這表示實際的發表年代是2000年. 然而這是ICZN第三版及之前的使用方法.

ICZN第四版的第22號條款對這樣的情況有了新的規定. 摘錄如下:

Article 22. Citation of date. When cited, the date of publication of a name follows the name of the author (see Article 51).

Recommendation 22A. Citation.

22A.1. Citation of date. It is strongly recommended that the date of publication (and the authorship; see Article 50) of a name be cited at least once in a work which deals with a taxon. This is particularly important for homonyms and for species-group names not in their original combinations.

22A.2. Method of citation. In citing the date of publication of a name, an author

22A.2.1. should not interpose more than a comma between the name of the author and the date;

22A.2.2. if the actual date of publication is different from the date specified in the work (imprint date), should cite the actual date of publication; except that

22A.2.3. if wishing to cite both the actual and the imprint dates, should first cite the actual date (cited as above), followed by the imprint date for information and enclosed in parentheses or other brackets and quotation marks; for a different use of parentheses for the dates of family-group replacement names maintained under Article 40.2.1, see Recommendation 40A.

Examples. Ctenotus alacer Storr, 1970 ("1969"), or Ctenotus alacer Storr, 1970 ["1969"], or Ctenotus alacer Storr, 1970 (imprint 1969), or Ctenotus alacer Storr, 1970 (not 1969), was established in a work which, although published in 1970, carried an imprint date of 1969; Anomalopus truncatus (Peters, 1876 ["1877"]) was established in a different genus from Anomalopus in a work which, although published in 1876, carried an imprint date of 1877.

22A.3. Date in a changed combination. When the original date of publication of a species-group name is cited with the name in a changed combination, the date should be enclosed within the same parentheses as the name of the original author [Art. 51.3].

Example. Limax ater Linnaeus, 1758 should be cited as Arion ater (Linnaeus, 1758) when the species is included in the genus Arion.

對資料庫設計者來說, 括號使用方式的改變會直接影響到欄位的設計, 對資料的判別以及呈現的方式. Digileps計畫將在2009年內根據新的法規針對這個問題進行調整.
