2009年1月7日 星期三



本次會議將與Global Research Library 2020 (GRL 2020)及博物館電腦網路協會台灣分會(Museum Computer Network, Taiwan Chapter)共同舉辦。

本次會議邀請到Internet Archive和Open Content Alliance創辦者Brewster Kahle博士擔任會議開幕演說主講人。此外,亦邀請歐盟數位典藏計畫、美國國家科學基金會、美國國會圖書館、美國Pittsburgh大學、英國大英圖書館、英國Edinburgh大學、日本京都大學、聯合國組織AIPP等多位國際知名人士分別就數位典藏所結合之自然科學與歷史人文領域進行經驗分享與交流。

會議議程及相關資訊請參閱大會網站(網址為 http://collab.teldap.tw/2009teldap)。線上報名已於12月1日開放,歡迎各界專家學者踴躍報名參加!如有任何問題,請洽大會秘書處鄭喬倪小姐(電話:02-2788-0058 ext.1025 / Email:

TELDAP International Conference

In conjunction with GRL 2020 & MCN Taiwan

Date: 23~27 February 2009
Venue: Building for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

The 2009 TELDAP International Conference in conjunction with GRL 2020 and MCN Taiwan Meeting will be held at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan from 23 to 27 February 2009. The joint event is organized by the International Collaboration Division of the Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program (TELDAP).
Following the success of 2008 Conference, what we intend to achieve in the 2009 Annual Conference is not only to demonstrate the results of TELDAP, but also include more in-depth discussions on the various applications of digital archives and on how the digital archives facilitates the paradigm shift of research methodology. The Conference covers topics such as the status of progress of the results of TELDAP, in-depth application of TELDAP content, new applications and technologies based on digitized contents, etc. The objective of TELDAP is to promote and coordinate content digitization and preservation at leading museums, archives, universities, research institutes, and other content holders in Taiwan. The Annual Conference provides a forum to encourage and facilitate the interaction, collaboration, dialogues and best practices among the specialists in digital archives from different countries. By exchanging experiences on how to develop digital preservation technology and applications, we believe that co-locating GRL 2020 and TELDAP Annual Conference would provide the Digital Archive community with invaluable insights for future collaboration. Registration is now open. Details of the Program and Conference-related information are available at http://collab.teldap.tw/2009teldap/index_en.htm
